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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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food before game

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I'll echo the energy drinks are bad vibe. The sugar and caffene will get you hyped, but you'll also crash, in addition to screwing with your system. Replace them with gatorade. It contains carbs in somewhat more complex sugars and supports your electrolytes. The result is real energy from the carbs without the jitters and crash. However, I don't recommend the full strength stuff. Buy the big powder can(a lot cheaper anyway, about $10 for 6 gallons of the stuff) and make your own at half strength. It was developed for football players, who as a rule are not as well conditioned as hockey players (skill players excluded) and thus sweat more and loose more electrolytes. You'll feel much better throughout the game.

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I eat probably 45 minutes to an hour before I skate

If I eat too far away I cramp up and am starving when I play

I can't even go 4 hours without eating if I'm sitting around

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I'm the same, can't do any exercise unless I have eaten something decent before.

Also, I have noticed that team meetings with meat lovers pizza then training directly after, are not a good mix!

For the record but, I have gone back on the healthy diet for pre season.

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Most of my games are Monday nights so it's also a work day for me. I usually have chicken parm with pasta around lunch time but I only eat about half of it. If I get a little hungry around 3 or 4pm, I'll have a little more. I usually have a bottle of water on my desk so I drink that throughout the day. On the ride to the game, I drink a little G2 gatorade but not too much. Regular gatorade makes me nauseous.

Also, don't skip breakfast on game day. Most important meal of the day!

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I find if I eat a substantial meal (eg. pasta with protein) less than five hours before a hard skate, I feel terrible.

Eat breakfast, a small lunch, an early dinner, supplement with fruit and tons of water in the intervening hours. If you need a little pre-game sugar as a pick-me-up, eat a clementine or something - way the hell better for you than Gatorade.

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