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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick and puck in Denver?

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I moved here from DC a few months ago. Now that I am settled, I want to get back on the ice. Before I join a league (I am a D league player...just started playing a year and a half ago) I'd prefer to get some stick and puck time, but the only sessions I can find are either at 6am Monday through Friday or while I am at work. There is nothing on the weekends at any of the rinks as far as I can tell. Any suggestions? Do rinks sometimes have stick and puck sessions not listed online? Or am I hosed?

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The Denver metro area has a fair amount of ice. Hell, I remember back it was pretty much just Jeffco and Hyland Hills. Both are now multi-sheet rinks and there's a couple of new ones. At any rate, typically during the youth hockey season you aren't going to see drop-in/stick & puck on the weekends because the ice is booked. With summer on the way though you should be able to find a few evening/weekend stick & puck slots.

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No problem, I recommend the Ice Centre (used to be Hyland Hills). It's a great rink if you're down towards Arvada/Westminster. When you're ready for league play they have a pretty decent league. Have enough players to keep the skill levels separate and it's pretty beginner friendly. The Aves practice rink is also nice and they're pretty hockey centric there, not sure if any adult leagues play out of it at this point.

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I don't know how far you are willing to travel, but there is a stick and puck every Saturday from 2pm-3pm at EPIC here in Ft Collins. Greeley Ice Haus also has a 530-700pm session every Friday.


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Rick - thanks for suggestion. That rink is about 1:15 from me but I might make the drive.

I will be looking to play D league (I am a beginner...) this spring/summer. I am about 5 minutes from the rink in Lowry so I will see if I can find a league there. What is the name of the Avs practice rink? Thanks.

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