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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Junior Chassis?

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Did a search, didn't find any definitive answers.

Mission Junior Chassis - only one size?

Would a Mission Chassis off a size 4 skate fit an Easton 5 (which is 6 in Mission terms)? I know Missions put their adult S chassis on size 6 skates, but the wheelbase is ridiculously long (unfortunately, learned this one from experience).



Seems there's only one size chassis for juniors. any smaller, they go the 3 wheel route.

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I cant tell you whether they would fit. I have a pair of 5.5 Assassin Jr (68-68-72-72). If you want any measurements let me know and Ill do my best :)

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I cant tell you whether they would fit. I have a pair of 5.5 Assassin Jr (68-68-72-72). If you want any measurements let me know and Ill do my best :)


I grabbed a pair locally, checked it out and it seems like they fit. Thanks for the offer!

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