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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vectors 2008 & 2009's, whats the differece?

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Im looking at buying some CCM's but I cant tell the difference between the 08's and the newer 09's? Also what is the difference between the VO8, V10, Vector 8.0, and Vector 10.0...other than the wheels?

And how do CCM's compare to Mission skates as far as pitch, fit, width, sizing, and durability?


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missiond fit more true to foot size whereas CCM's fit smaller.

I also think CCM's are quite a bit wider. for example, i fit into a 9.0D CCM and a 10.5EE in Mission.

I think CCMs should be a little more pitched theoretically, because of the wheels sizes but i personally could not feel a difference.

I personally think mission skates are better built, stiffer and more durable, however i don't link the feel/fit of them. Id rather go through 3 pairs of skates that fit well and are comfortable, than use 1 pair of skates that hurt my feet and are uncomfortable. Hope this helps :)

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I just bought the CCM v08's and don't think I'd go to another skate. This skate is very comfortable and my feet did not hurt once when breaking these in. I heard a lot of people also don't like the Tri-Di Lite chassis but so far it is awesome. My feet also dont fit well with Missions for some reason.

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sounds like everyone likes their ccm's. So whats the difference between the V06, V08, and V10's? and Whats the difference between the 2008 and 2009 models?

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the main difference between the '08 and '09 skates are that CCM have moved to the tri-di lite chassis. The wheels and bearings are the same on the 08 and '09 skates and im pretty sure the fit is the same. Not sure if the boot is any different, but im sure there will be some improvement there.

As for the skates themselves. The V06, V08 and V10 boots will be different stiffnesses. They all have different wheels, hotshots, hornets and MB816's. They also all have different bearings. i think they all use the same chassis. Obviously, the more you pay, the better skates you will get, but not every top end skate is needed for every player.

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Thank for the info crazy luke. I think im gonna go with the VO8's just becase the only difference i see between those and the V10's is the wheels, and i have had all bad experiences with micro hub wheels, they always crack and blow out and they cost tooo much to replace.

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it's a minor thing, but they got rid of the skate lock on the new CCM's... It's a shame, I liked the skate lock...

That's the main reason i wet for the '08 vector 6's, rather than the '09 vector 6's when i bought new skates. I think the lace lock is the best idea ever on a skate, and i dont like the tri-di lite chassis.

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Why dont you like the tri-di lite?

I don't like it because it's flimsy (no internal bracing) and super easy to overtighten. I'm not a big fan of the high center of gravity feeling I get from the Tri Dri chassis compared to the Vanguard.

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just resurrecting this thread as i have a question regarding the original thread title. my main question is regarding any possible differences in the actual fit of the boots as opposed to just the different features. i remember reading somewhere that the older vector x.0's(ie. 10.0, 8.0, 6.0 etc.) had a bit less volume and fit nearly a half size smaller as opposed to the current line (ie. v10, v08, v06 etc.).

any truth to that? thanks.

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