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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HECC Certification

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Well, you see, if you want to play the natural selection argument, then we should get rid of all helmets and then all the people with weak sculls would die and leave the strong domed people. Eventually we would wouldn't need any helmets at all.


I am very very familiar with the sport, thank you for informing me of its dangers. I also mentioned that it depends on what you are doing with it, to mean that if Rick is in a pretty chillax league the helmet will most likely be sufficient. If he is in a scull crusher league, like yours, he might want to think about his helmet choice a little more, or find a new league. I still think the helmet would be fine in whatever league though.

As far as the foams breaking down with sun, sweat and body oils, well... its a brand new helmet, in box. I'm sure if you squish the foam with your fingers a little, if its got any give left, its probably good.

Besides, Bobby Orr or Gordie Howe didnt use a helmet, neither did Stan Mikita. They were good as hell and Stan is still alive and kicking and has a fully functioning brain... what a pro

1. If you left it to natural selection don't you think that the smart people would still choose to wear helmets for the obvious safty benifits?

2. Accidents CAN, DO and WILL happen no matter what level the league is.

3. Materials will break down slowely over time whether they get used on not.

4. Nice work on picking out exceptions to the rule. So try this this for example, he didn't die, sure as hell doesn't mean that I'd walk away if it happened to me like he did.

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4. Nice work on picking out exceptions to the rule. So try this this for example, he didn't die, sure as hell doesn't mean that I'd walk away if it happened to me like he did.

I don't get what that has to do with helmets. Cool story though.

And I take back what I said about Stan the man, apparently he invented and wore the hockey helmet at the end of his career because he had a concussion.

I'm sure Nike 0004 is more protective then whatever he put together though.

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If he is in a scull crusher league, like yours

I find it interesting that you refer to this as skull crushing, sounds like the day to day pitfalls of playing hockey to me. I have never seen a game where at least some of the things I have mentioned hasnt happened.

I got a good giggle out of your skin cancer comment, thankyou :) I hear crossing the road is dangerous too :P

NorrisContender, has already made his decision about his helmet. Whether or not its legal to sell a helmet that has passed its certification date, who knows (it will be interesting to see if he hears back from admin@hecc.net), but I would say that he is within his right to take it back if he were uncomfortable with it, especially if he paid full retail price for it and was unaware that it was past its certification date at the time of purchase. I would expect the shop to have a "duty of care" to their customers.

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