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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HECC Certification

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Guys I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to get a helmet re-certified. I sold some used gear over the weekend and with the money I ended up buying a NEW (in the box) Nike 0004 helmet. I have always wanted one but figured that they were all long gone. Well a shop in Indy still had a few on a shelf in the back of the store room and the guy sold it to me for next to nothing because it was old stock and the HECC cert was long expired. The really sad thing is the helmet is in new condition and from the looks I don't think it had ever been out of the box since the shop took delivery. It just seems a shame that because the sticker is expired I most likely would not be able to wear it in my roller league.


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I'd be shocked if anyone noticed. And even if they did, I'm sure they wouldn't care about it. And if they do care about it, I'm sure they'll accept the fact that it was once certified. So don't worry.

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I probably screwed up. I removed the stickers because the HECC was expired. If nothing else I will wear the helmet when I play blacktop/pickup this summer.


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Rick, you should be ok to use it in the league. I have NEVER seen or met a Referee who ever checked those things. Believe me, they have enough to worry about. If the helmet looks brand new, there isn't a problem. I still see guys wearing the gretzky Jofa's and the Messier Coopers.

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Thanks for the information guys. I think I will give it a try and see if anything is said. And yes they did have others but I'm not sure of the colors and sizes. I got a large in white and the helmet that was on display was navy. I asked if they had black or white and the guy said they had white but no black so I didn't ask about other colors.

The shop is- Pepsi Coliseum Skate Shop (Indianapolis, Indiana)

(317) 927-7622

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Just because it has not been used, does not mean that it is safe to use now. If the certification has expired, you should not be using it.

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I know you are right and I definately appreciate the comments its just a shame because the helmet fits great and I love the look, even though I always say the looks of your gear should not matter if the fit is right.


Rick Henry

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Just because it has not been used, does not mean that it is safe to use now. If the certification has expired, you should not be using it.

My post was meant to imply that if the helmet was new looking, the ref wouldn't bother checking for the cert, not that if the helmet was new, the cert was still valid. Unclear post on my behalf.

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Just because it has not been used, does not mean that it is safe to use now. If the certification has expired, you should not be using it.

My post was meant to imply that if the helmet was new looking, the ref wouldn't bother checking for the cert, not that if the helmet was new, the cert was still valid. Unclear post on my behalf.

So it's ok to wear something that may not protect your brain as long as it's shiny? Thank you for making my point for me.

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There is no way in hell they are going to check the helmet for certification. Guys in my league wear the crazy old Coopers and they don't say anything. Some are stupid enough to wear the really really old Jofa that I wouldn't consider safe enough to wear walking around and nobody says a word

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There is no way in hell they are going to check the helmet for certification. Guys in my league wear the crazy old Coopers and they don't say anything. Some are stupid enough to wear the really really old Jofa that I wouldn't consider safe enough to wear walking around and nobody says a word

What's more important, getting away with something or protecting your brain?

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Don't mean to steal a thread here, but is there any measures that can be taken once my CSA and HECC stickers have worn out or faded? My intake is only two years old and still feels fine, and to be honest I dont know when it was certified 'till, and the stickers are both still there, but they are just white circles now as the graphic has been rubbed off.

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There is no way in hell they are going to check the helmet for certification. Guys in my league wear the crazy old Coopers and they don't say anything. Some are stupid enough to wear the really really old Jofa that I wouldn't consider safe enough to wear walking around and nobody says a word

What's more important, getting away with something or protecting your brain?

That's where natural selection comes into play.

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There is no way in hell they are going to check the helmet for certification. Guys in my league wear the crazy old Coopers and they don't say anything. Some are stupid enough to wear the really really old Jofa that I wouldn't consider safe enough to wear walking around and nobody says a word

What's more important, getting away with something or protecting your brain?

That's where natural selection comes into play.

Firm believer in removing all warning labels and letting the idiots weed themselves out.

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Rather than start a new thread I thought I'd piggy back on this one.

I was at my LHS last night and noticed they are still selling helmets that are 2 years PAST the HECC date, as new, at full price. Since the HECC is good for 5 years this makes some of these helmets at least 7 years old. The LHS is terrible, maybe as bad as it gets. The place is stocked with years old stuff that is and was expensive to begin with. There's no point in venting my frustration concerning the Cincinnati areas lack of a competent LHS here.

My question is: is there anything stopping them from selling these helmets besides the desire for a clear conscience?

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What's so bad about an expired helmet? I mean, at one point, someone considered it safe to wear, what happened between point A and B that now makes it unsafe?

I'm all about cheap gear, I'm in college and I don't have a lot of money to spend. Besides, I can't remember the last time my helmet actually saved me from dain bramage...

But really, I know technology has come a long way since the jofas and coopers that were mentioned, but that Nike 0004 that the thread was started about can't be that bad. And those guys that are still wearing those jofas and coopers, are they getting concussions once a game? I think not.

It depends on what you plan to do with he helmet too I guess. Playing roller hockey... well... there isn't even any checking (as far as i know, maybe you play differently), and if you can skate halfway decent, you shouldn't really be smacking your head on the ground that often.

The absolute DO NOT WEAR THIS EXPIRED HELMET... well that seems a little harsh to me. I mean, milk is still good a few days after the expiration date too :P

That's my two cents.

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the foams inside that actually protect when you do have the occasional incident where you eat it do have a lifespan before they get hard and/or begin to breakdown.

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I can't remember the last time my helmet actually saved me from dain bramage...

It depends on what you plan to do with he helmet too I guess. Playing roller hockey... well... there isn't even any checking (as far as i know, maybe you play differently), and if you can skate halfway decent, you shouldn't really be smacking your head on the ground that often.

Mate, all it takes is a rouge slapper that goes a bit high, or maybe falling in a bad way, possible onto a skate or a stick, it only takes one bad fall. If you haven’t gotten any brain damage or come close while wearing a helmet, have you ever thought that maybe it might just be doing what it's supposed to do?

Also, just because there isn't meant to be checking sure as hell doesn't mean that some idiot won't get angry and do it anyway...

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It depends on what you plan to do with he helmet too I guess. Playing roller hockey... well... there isn't even any checking (as far as i know, maybe you play differently), and if you can skate halfway decent, you shouldn't really be smacking your head on the ground that often.

Just because there is no checking, doesnt mean there is no contact.

Guys still go flying into the boards, shove eachother around, trip over eachother, get tripped, have 2 and 3 man pile ups (particualy when chasing the puck along the boards), simply wash out because they over committed to the play, etc, etc.

The only thing missing is the intentional ramming of one's opponent into the boards

People are on the floor and bouncing off the boards all the time. Im not talking about beginners or beer leaguers, Im talking about Australian team players who have been skating their entire lives.

Sure its not as fast as ice, but its more than fast enough to knock yourself out, break bones, etc etc

Anyway, certifications are there to provide a guide to the length of time, given average use, that a product will provide the required level of protection (given the specific circumstances outlined by the level of certification). If you play more than the average time, you will need to replace the product sooner.

Plastics and foams degenerate over time and with exposure to the sun, sweat and body oils (Im sure that there are other factors, but these would be the most common).

This is all before you even start think about how many times you have dropped or knocked it before putting it on your head and crashing.

If you want to wear a non certified helmet, who am I to tell you not to. Thing to remember is, your personal/league/etc insurance company may not cover you if you sustain injury whilst wearing a non certified helmet.

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I understand both sides of the debate about wearing a helmet that is out of certification. I just want to know if it's legal for a shop to sell helmets that HECC certification has expired as new.

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I understand both sides of the debate about wearing a helmet that is out of certification. I just want to know if it's legal for a shop to sell helmets that HECC certification has expired as new.

Send an email to this address with all of the information you have.


Then let us know what response you get.

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How people can knowingly put their brain at risk blows my mind. I've got permanent, altering brain damage from multiple concussions, I can't convey my frustration when people want to have 'good style' and care less about their dome.

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There is no way in hell they are going to check the helmet for certification. Guys in my league wear the crazy old Coopers and they don't say anything. Some are stupid enough to wear the really really old Jofa that I wouldn't consider safe enough to wear walking around and nobody says a word

What's more important, getting away with something or protecting your brain?

That's where natural selection comes into play.

Firm believer in removing all warning labels and letting the idiots weed themselves out.

Well, you see, if you want to play the natural selection argument, then we should get rid of all helmets and then all the people with weak sculls would die and leave the strong domed people. Eventually we would wouldn't need any helmets at all.

It depends on what you plan to do with he helmet too I guess. Playing roller hockey... well... there isn't even any checking (as far as i know, maybe you play differently), and if you can skate halfway decent, you shouldn't really be smacking your head on the ground that often.

Just because there is no checking, doesnt mean there is no contact.

Guys still go flying into the boards, shove eachother around, trip over eachother, get tripped, have 2 and 3 man pile ups (particualy when chasing the puck along the boards), simply wash out because they over committed to the play, etc, etc.

The only thing missing is the intentional ramming of one's opponent into the boards

People are on the floor and bouncing off the boards all the time. Im not talking about beginners or beer leaguers, Im talking about Australian team players who have been skating their entire lives.

Sure its not as fast as ice, but its more than fast enough to knock yourself out, break bones, etc etc

Anyway, certifications are there to provide a guide to the length of time, given average use, that a product will provide the required level of protection (given the specific circumstances outlined by the level of certification). If you play more than the average time, you will need to replace the product sooner.

Plastics and foams degenerate over time and with exposure to the sun, sweat and body oils (Im sure that there are other factors, but these would be the most common).

This is all before you even start think about how many times you have dropped or knocked it before putting it on your head and crashing.

If you want to wear a non certified helmet, who am I to tell you not to. Thing to remember is, your personal/league/etc insurance company may not cover you if you sustain injury whilst wearing a non certified helmet.

I am very very familiar with the sport, thank you for informing me of its dangers. I also mentioned that it depends on what you are doing with it, to mean that if Rick is in a pretty chillax league the helmet will most likely be sufficient. If he is in a scull crusher league, like yours, he might want to think about his helmet choice a little more, or find a new league. I still think the helmet would be fine in whatever league though.

As far as the foams breaking down with sun, sweat and body oils, well... its a brand new helmet, in box. I'm sure if you squish the foam with your fingers a little, if its got any give left, its probably good.

Besides, Bobby Orr or Gordie Howe didnt use a helmet, neither did Stan Mikita. They were good as hell and Stan is still alive and kicking and has a fully functioning brain... what a pro

How people can knowingly put their brain at risk blows my mind. I've got permanent, altering brain damage from multiple concussions, I can't convey my frustration when people want to have 'good style' and care less about their dome.

Ever seen a Rugby game... yea... I bet you don't understand any of those people either.

I call it Risk Assessment. When I play street hockey, I wear gloves and skates. I have assessed that: In all my experience playing street hockey, I have not injured myself, nor are the people playing with me injuring me or themselves. We don't play aggressive, so I don't need the pads.

When I play in my actual ice and roller leagues, I adjust the pads accordingly. Roller and ice wear different pads because different risks have been assessed (puck weight, surface slipperiness, intensity, body contact, etc.).

In my assessment of Ricks risks, I have deduced from his profile that he is a 42 year old male that is probably in a league of like minded people that just want to get out and have some casual, recreational hockey fun (not that I am downplaying the competitiveness), It is my belief that this Nike 0004 Helmet will be sufficient, based on that evidence.

I am not saying that Mr. Aussie Scull Crusher should be using this helmet in his Aussie Scull Crushing League, although I believe that his dome would be sufficiently protected anyway.

One more thing, you might not want to go outside either. I hear you get skin cancer that way.

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