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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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taking the belt sander to the blade

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is there any specific pattern to customizing your blade with a sander. i see spezza shaves the toe down quite a bit and i used some pro stock sticks with the toes of the blades being thinner vertically but im not sure how to do it. is it personal preference or what? any tips?

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Isnt that what Spezza just got an illegal stick penalty for? lol. I dont have any tips but just wanted to point that out, but here in Michigan it basically showed you how to do it on Red Wings weekly when Hudler was doing it to his stick.

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That is what Speeza got called for. I believe it has to be 2" tall at 1" away from the end of the blade.

I don't know how he uses a stick with a toe like that. Kovalchuk pro has an interesting toe, it's angled but rounded... if that makes sense. Theres a flat spot on the lower 1/3 of the toe. I really like that toe shape.

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Why are you asking about what to do like you're sure you're going to do it. If you needed to make a change you'd know where it needed to be make and do it.

Sounds like you just want to sand on a blade for no other reason than others have do it (for an unknown to you reason).

is there any specific pattern to customizing your blade with a sander. i see spezza shaves the toe down quite a bit and i used some pro stock sticks with the toes of the blades being thinner vertically but im not sure how to do it. is it personal preference or what? any tips?

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