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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S15 blade on S15 shaft

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Tried this for the first time this morning and it felt retarded. I felt like I was shooting with one of those plastic street hockey sticks. tapered shaft + tapered blade = wet noodle. My old ultra-light shaft broke the other day on me and I replaced it w/ the S15 shaft. Bad mistake I think...I have to go out and buy a different blade now that's not tapered.

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ok, maybe tapered isn't the word i was trying to use....what's the word for when the shaft gets narrower towards the bottom and then becomes standard again at the blade entry point?

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Yes, Z-bubble, focus-flex, whatever it is. Feels goofy to me w/ the blade and shaft both in that format. 100 flex on the shaft, which is what I always use.

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That's the "Z Bubble". What flex did you use?

S15 is a repainted Z-Bubble:

Easton Stealth S15 Hockey Shafts Sr 09

* Proprietary Parabolic Focus Flex Zone:

o Geometrically engineered to target the optimal release point in a tightly defined region of the shaft

o As seen in the inset image, the shaft width dimension changes, focusing the flex

o This allows the flex to occur low on the shaft for a quick consist release

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That's funny... I use a Z-bubble with a S15 and I love it.

Edit: Does that mean the ST is basically a repainted ultra lite?

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That's funny... I use a Z-bubble with a S15 and I love it.

Edit: Does that mean the ST is basically a repainted ultra lite?

seriously? wow, maybe i'm taking crazy pills, but it was just too much bubble action for me. i took 3 shots w/ it and put it away and grabbed my One90. Heading to the LHS after work today to pick up a standard blade.

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That's funny... I use a Z-bubble with a S15 and I love it.

Edit: Does that mean the ST is basically a repainted ultra lite?

seriously? wow, maybe i'm taking crazy pills, but it was just too much bubble action for me. i took 3 shots w/ it and put it away and grabbed my One90. Heading to the LHS after work today to pick up a standard blade.

Personal preference I guess.. I've been breaking a lot of sticks lately so switching it up, saw the z-bubble at monkey for $80 and picked up the focus flex and it feels like heaven.

4 goals in two games so far.

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I picked up a used S15 for 30 bucks. It had a bauer blade but I replaced it with the s15 blade, I use is as much as my Warrior sticks now.

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