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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey hot spots in Dallas Tx

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I am going to be in Dallas 4/3-4/5 and I was wondering if there is any open hockey and if there was any hockey shops in the area. I want to try to get fitted for skates and possibly find a place that sells stars prostock equipment too. Thanks

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There is a Perani's in Euless, 183 and Industrial. DrPepper Stars Centers are everywhere - Euless, Grapevine, Farmers Branch, Plano, Frisco... The Stars practice at the one in Frisco and all of them sell pro stock stuff from the Stars, most of it is gone though, they're holding on to a lot of it for the big sale in May-ish? There is also a place called NYTEX in North Richland Hills, it's where the Brahmas play. Nice pro shop there.

All these places (except perani's obviously) have drop-in hockey, you just have to check out their websites for schedules.

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