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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Leg Bow

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As you can see in this picture I (in white) have a pretty sever leg bow. I was curious if skating on completely standard skates would hurt my skating as opposed to getting something custom like the holders turned in a bit to offset would improve it. Any advice?

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I could be way off base and I mean no disrespect, but it looks like, from the photo, this may be a beginner league. Your posture looks okay. I make this assumption from black-9 looking like he's snow plowing and the way white (silver helmet) is turned around. The guy in the background... his posture looks more natural.

From the picture, your right skate is on it's inside edge. Your left skate is on on its outside edge, which tells me your moving to the left. You're legs are fine and nothing looks abnormally bent or bowed to me. I would say your skates are fine. Keep practicing and you will build up more leg strength, which will allow more foot control and you will feel more comfortable.

I don't see anything to worry with your legs.

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I could be way off base and I mean no disrespect, but it looks like, from the photo, this may be a beginner league. Your posture looks okay. I make this assumption from black-9 looking like he's snow plowing and the way white (silver helmet) is turned around. The guy in the background... his posture looks more natural.

From the picture, your right skate is on it's inside edge. Your left skate is on on its outside edge, which tells me your moving to the left. You're legs are fine and nothing looks abnormally bent or bowed to me. I would say your skates are fine. Keep practicing and you will build up more leg strength, which will allow more foot control and you will feel more comfortable.

I don't see anything to worry with your legs.

Yes, it is a beginners league. I've only been playing for around 6 months. Thanks for the information.

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