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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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two broken skate blades on new one90s?

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A friend of mine picked up a pair of one90s for his 12yoa, average to small size, aggressive skater. So far, in less than one season, two blades have broken. The last one being last night. The back 1/3 of the blade broke off and fell out the holder. Can anyone help with this?? Just a fluke or is it a manufacturing flaw in the skate or the blade? thanks

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it's a manufacturing flaw with the One90's and the Supreme70's that power steel and holder is junk. Tell your buddy to go to where they got the skates from and they should replace the steel or they will call Bauer and have Bauer send new holders/runners (regular lightspeed II) out to you as they are out of the power holders/runners.

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Unless I'm mistaken the same steel is in the one95 that was used in the one90, so is it actually documented that this is a "flaw"? I see steel break all the time, from tight turns to taking shots of the foot. It isn't that rare of an occurrence (although I've oddly never seen it in the NHL)

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Unless I'm mistaken the same steel is in the one95 that was used in the one90, so is it actually documented that this is a "flaw"? I see steel break all the time, from tight turns to taking shots of the foot. It isn't that rare of an occurrence (although I've oddly never seen it in the NHL)

You are mistaken. The one95 skates use the Lightspeed 2.1 Power runner. Same steel as the lightspeed II...just a bit longer.

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even if it was the same form factor.... shitty product runs with inferior quality steel are impervious to the actual location of the mounting mechanism on the blade itself. if it's a known issue, due to limited runs of the ls2p steel, most are going to be shit.

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Yah I have both skates. ohh the one90 is ls2p and the one95 is ls2.1p. Right, right, my mistake.

it's not just a difference in name. I hear alot more people with one90's and supreme 70's complaining about broken steel then i do people with vapor xxxx's and xxv's... why do you think that is? different composition in the steel. The 2.1 powers have the same composition as the lightspeed II runners, they're just longer.

even if it was the same form factor.... shitty product runs with inferior quality steel are impervious to the actual location of the mounting mechanism on the blade itself. if it's a known issue, due to limited runs of the ls2p steel, most are going to be shit.

Where the blade is mounted has little to do with the breakage problem on the 70's and 90's IMO. What i'm saying (maybe we are agreeing) is that the LS2P runners are crap... The LS2.1P runners... are not. whether they are made in the same warehouse or not, they are similar to the regular LS2 runners...

The translucent holders on those skates are garbage as well, that's why bauer dropped them and stuck the lightspeed 2 holders back on their new line of skates.

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