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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how to ship a stick

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For me I use bubble wrap around the shaft a few times and then wrap cardboard looking paper and then ship it off. Bubble wrap is best to use due to the USPO tends to care very less about packages. Good Luck

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I do bubble wrap, then I take two of those hard cardboard rolls that you would put maps, or building plans or something in, I cut one short enough for the blade part of the stick, then the other for the shaft part, and tape them together where the meet. Very ugly looking package, but lots of protection.

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For me I use bubble wrap around the shaft a few times and then wrap cardboard looking paper and then ship it off. Bubble wrap is best to use due to the USPO tends to care very less about packages. Good Luck

that is exactly how I do it as well. $4 in materials is enough to do like 3 sticks, and because it less bulky and lighter than cardboard, usually its cheaper to ship.

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I used to just get boxes from McDonalds or Wendy's, break'em down and wrap the sticks in that. Now I just wrap it in Garbage bags and make sure its insured.

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