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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission glove appreciation thread

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here's what I've got... I'm still using a pair of black matrix gloves from 5 years ago. Palms are still in excellent condition, with only a small hole. 5 years aint bad for a pair thats been used week in week out, playing twice a week (something 3 times).



I relegated mine to my backup set at home not long ago. I use Fuel 90s I got from a member here now.

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retail Fuel 130 / pro L7 "stuart" / pro Warp (four finger)

pro M-1 / pro M-1 "avery" / pro Warp (three finger)

pro Fuel / pro L7 / pro Warp (four finger)

pro M-1 "guerin" (warp cuff) / retail L7 / retail Warp (three finger)

The blue fuels are my game gloves. Not pictured are another pair of warps I retired after giving up roller years ago, they were too gross to take out of the basement.

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