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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adult gear recommendations

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Hi folks,

New to the forums. I'm 36 years old. Played a little hockey in high school and was just recently inspired to get back on the ice. I'm still getting my legs back but ultimately I'd like to join some adult or pickup leagues.

I definitely like the looks of the CCM and Nike Bauer gear, but I'm not sure what brand is better overall. And also how much value there is to spending an extra $20-$50 for a V10 vs. V08 .. or a XXV vs. XXXX, etc. on pads, pants, etc.

Money isn't a huge issue, but with the current economy I don't want to to go on a crazy spending spree if it's going to be a waste of money.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Well really, how much protection are you looking for? I suggest you go out and try top of the line gear and then something a little lower, if your just playing beer league protective gear doesnt have to be the best but good skates can never hurt. There is a difference from v8 to v10 for example but its not huge and the v8's would be fine if you didnt want to spend the extra money, unless that is you want to look cool.

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As a rule I say don't skimp on skates, you can skimp elsewhere but would always advise not to on skates and a lid (in that order)

I have seen LHS' have a package or something where they will make, for a set price, 3 different brands of gear at the same price point available for your protective so you can "kit yourself out" for a set price.

So you could try on Bauer, CCM, and Easton Gloves, pick one. CCM, Bauer, and Easton Lid, pick one. Bauer, CCM, Easton Elbows, pick one. etc etc etc...

But spend decent bucks on skates, I'm not saying top of the line, but you want to have decent skates if you are gong to invest anything into the game time or money wise.

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We just had a similar topic not too long ago, that you might find useful. If anyone could help dig it up it would be appreciated.

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Thanks for the quick feedback. That thread was super informative. I'm going to check out my LHS and go from there. Keeping in mind not to skimp on skates, helmet and pants.

Much appreciated!

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