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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shipping to Europa

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I have a litlle problem. As a European the whole hockeygear is very expensive no matter where you buy it. I ve been trying to find any online stores in the us for months and it seems like nobody likes to send some stuff over here. does anybody know any websites which shipps to europa? it would help me so much!

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Easton,CCM,Reebok and Bauer all have restrictions on dealers that prevent U.S. websites from shipping outside the U.S. Any dealer that does so would risk losing their accounts with those companies. Your choice is simple, order another brand, or ship to a U.S. address.

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Aye. What you're looking for is someone who will walk into a shop, buy your list of stuff, toss it in a box and ship internationally with the USPS or FedEx/UPS

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Another factor is the U.S. Post Office tends to be quite a bit less expensive than other companies for shipping internationally, but they have a 60" limit on packages; conversely Fed Ex and UPS were over $100 the last time I quoted a stick.

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I had to ship from canada to spain earlier in the year it ended up costin 200$ using Air Canada but it was by far the best price seeing how i shipped 5 sticks, and 1500$ worth of gear in a box.

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