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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rbk .vs. tour and mission

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im trying to select the next next skate for myself.

(im using tour code 1's right now)

are any rbk pumps good?? ive never used them before

and missions new skates dont seem bad

so what do you think?

im trying to select the next next skate for myself.

(im using tour code 1's right now)

are any rbk pumps good?? ive never used them before

and missions new skates dont seem bad

so what do you think?

i should have marked this in roller hockey equipment

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are your code 1's knackered? decent skate imo..

anyway I'd go Mission, much nicer skate and seems better built. If you do want to get mission, go for the Wicked Light Classics...not often a company rereleases a legend of a skate. Theres a thread about them in the roller section.

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I like my 5K pumps. I had Tour Code 1 roller and last year's 5k for ice. For roller I wouldn't go with the RBK ccm lineup. I think the quality of the roller boots are lacking. For ice, the 6K and up all have nice outsole's. I would go a step higher than 5k if I had to do it again.

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