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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Used Gloves

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Is there a market on ebay for used gloves? I don't think I'd personally want to buy someone elses old gloves, but I've developed a little collection of barely used gloves, which I've now decided are one size too big for me, so they're really of no use to me anymore. If people are buying used gloves, I'll probably put them on ebay. Otherwise, may try to donate them somewhere.

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Have you looked on ebay to see if there are used gloves on ebay?

Looks like a few but not too may. Mostly new.

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A lot of the gloves on ebay are used, I personally have nothing wrong with buying good condition used gloves.

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Have you looked on ebay to see if there are used gloves on ebay?

Looks like a few but not too may. Mostly new.

Look again, there are a lot of used gloves.

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you could always put them up on here in the buy sell trade, alot of us are weird on here, and you might have someones long lost treasure sitting in your basement. ive bought used gloves before, aslong as there are picutres and a good description and the price is fair.

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and is this fishing to test the MSH market? We have a nice buy/sell section that when your ready you will get access to that area. Yes lots of people buy and sell used slightly used and even worn out gloves if they can be replamed. Not everyone can afford $250 for custom warriors/eagles

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I have found several pairs of great used gloves on eBay. Usually very fairly priced. I seem to kind of collect gloves. I love the old Cooper 5 roll BDS (Black Diamond Series). I also have a few pairs of the Bauer version.

Anyway, I have never had a problem, but I always spray them really well (basically soak them, especially from the inside) with Febreze ANTI-BACTERIAL spray. I have never had any infections or anything. Also, the gloves I have bought have never been stinky at all.

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