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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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removing footbeds after skating

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I think that it doesn't occur to some people that it's not just sweat. I get plenty of ice shavings on my skates during a game. I always pull my footbeds out and in 10 years I have NEVER rusted out a rivet.

and for you barefoot skaters, try putting a dryer sheet in your boot after you skate. your sharpener will thank you for it! :)

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After each skate, when I get home I take out the footbed and with a dry cloth I clean the bottom of the footbed for any sweat and then the inside of the skate especially the toe cap where I always have a lot of moisture (it's kinda logic being that outside the toe cap it's cold, inside is warmth and humidity). After a few skates I spray the inside of the boot with Dr. Scholl shoe spray.

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Even after 3 hours of skating my butt off, my 9K's are fairly dry all throughout...but I still remove the footbeds :) I'm very anal about caring for these skates. I have a microfiber cloth that I use to dry off the blade and holder.

When I was learning how to sharpen skates I'd cringe everytime someone would bring in a pair of skates that were drenched in sweat. Was nasty but whatever.

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I used to do it all the time with my one95's then just turned to hanging them upside down. Ended up rusting out a rivet earlier this year so with my TO's I'm taking no chances and removing my footbeds every time.

Think of how many people don't even hang up their gear after they play. It's really not that surprising that I've never known anyone other than the people on MSH that take out their footbeds.

EDIT: Double posted everything....

There are a couple of people (or more) I play with that pretty much never take their equipment out of their bags. Some leave them in the trunk of their car year round. Can you just imagine what's boiling inside the bag on those hot summer days after an afternoon game? There was a guy that had such a stench but he didn't really smell it anymore as I guess he was pretty much accustomed to it. I had put my bag in his "usual" spot one day and it took my bag and flipped it upside down and all my gear fell out of it. I was pissed and amused at the same time. He's a friend so no worries. So, to get back at him I decided to just empty the garbage can in his equipment bag which still contained all of his gear. Little did I know that there was a mixture of days old beer, gatorade and pop at the bottom of the bag! He was not amused to say the least but that forced him to have his equipment cleaned so everyone around him was actually quite happy I did that lol

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