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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photo editing

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I need to edit pics, make sig and banners and stuff. I went to download.com and downloaded one of the adobe photoshops, I dont think it was the right one though, they had a lot to choose from. Does anyone know what I could use? and If i have to buy it or if I can d/l it?


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PhotoShop 7-My weapon of choice.

PhotoShop CS(8.0)-A little bit different front 7, definately not worth the extra bills.

PaintShopPro-Very affordable/reliable program(s).

And nooone is going to give you a link to d/l the full versions on here.

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I didnt figure anyone would give me the link. I just wanted to know if it was a d/l program or a program you buy.

well in that case, all 3 of them are purchase only.

PaintShopPro is by far the best for the money at only like $120

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One other program you might want to consider is The Gimp. www.gimp.org . It is opensourced under the GPL, so it is free to download. It was written first for linux, I use this version of it alot, and It works very well, but they also have a windows port that apparantly is just as good.

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Photoshop is obviously the best. i hear more like 7 than CS.

Another great program is Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9, you an do some nice stuff with it and it's only 100$ us.

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