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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok pro stock pants

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Just got back from the Dayton Bombers equipment sale. (Sadly, this is a going out of business sale, since the Bombers are no more) Anyway, I picked up some stuff that I have questions about. I got a pair of Reebok pants for cheap. They say Reebok down the thigh (not RBK). I asked the equipment manager what retail style these would be like and he told me they were Reebok 10k. Does this sound right? They look like they have great tailbone protection, not very good lower back protection and are a little stiff. I liked them because they fit well and the thigh pads were not really wide. Any thoughts as to what I actually bought? I also picked a couple of used blades for $5 each, both RBK. One is an sk-11, which I think is like a Sakic. Does anyone know what the other one, a D-15 would be? Thanks.

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D-15 is a Drury. or really really close

ye something along those lines...i have a D-17 which is like an exact copy of the mission hossa but its a lie 7

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i have a pair of what sounds to be the same reebok pants. When i purchased them they were advertised as " Reebok NCAA Pro Return Senior Hockey Pants" over at thehockeyshop.

they seem to be awesome pants, much more protective than my supreme 70s - only the thighs on mine are a bit wide and weird looking.

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