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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok P34 curve or Closest to Draper or Nash

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closest to draper would be the new spezza or crosby, p34 is nowhere close, same with p38

problem with rbk is they don't have any really open curves

the spezza's a heel, open

crosby's a mid-heel or heel, slight

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I'm a Sackic guy. I've used p38 before, but it was no where close. According to Ollie Reebok the new Crosby is pretty close, but I've yet to try it.

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I'm a Sackic guy. I've used p38 before, but it was no where close. According to Ollie Reebok the new Crosby is pretty close, but I've yet to try it.

The P87 Crosby curve is the closest you'll find to the Draper curve.

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I'm a Sackic guy. I've used p38 before, but it was no where close. According to Ollie Reebok the new Crosby is pretty close, but I've yet to try it.

The P87 Crosby curve is the closest you'll find to the Draper curve.

Thanks. And thanks to all you others.

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