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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Im done with warrior

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Back to the original poster, and everyone else in this post for that matter: A stick that is too flexible isn't more fragile than say, a 100. I'd bet a fair amount of money that Brett Hull is stronger than you but didn't seem to have a problem using 80 flex Z-Bubbles.

There is a HUGE difference between an NHLer's shot (especially Hull's) and what any of us would call a shot. The technique used to fire a slapper with a 100 flex shaft is different than a 75 flex shaft. You need much less "ice" with a whippy shaft.

In my experience fixing sticks, Warriors are more durable than others. Followed by NBH, RBK/CCM, and Easton. Each brand does have it's issues, so none of them are really far and away superior.

The shaft break (just below the lower hand) is common across all brands. I'd say 8 of 10 shaft breaks that I see occur in that area.

To the OP...Congratulations, that is the most unique break I have seen in a shaft.

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So I'm kind of confused here... The yellow MacDaddy lasted you something like 2 years, which is amazing durability, and the blue one lasted 4 months or so, which isn't terrible either, and you're saying you're done with Warrior because of their "lack of durability"? I think you're gonna be hard pressed to find any OPS that will last you two years like your first Warrior. I would guess the average life of OPSs', particularly higher-end one, is much more in the 4 month range like your second Warrior. Either way, I wouldn't say either stick lacked in durability.

If I misunderstood any of the length of use facts I mentioned above I apologize. Otherwise it sounds like you're overreacting just because the two sticks happened to break in a close time frame, even though one was a good deal older than the other.

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