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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Tongue Issue

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I currently have a pair of Easton C12 skates, the Canadian version of the 1200C. After playing last week, I noticed something different about the tongues, specifically where they attach to the toe cap. It appears that the tongue is ripping away from the toe cap in two spots, one in the middle and near the right edge. I have included a picture that shows my problem.


My question is, are they toast, or are they fixable. There are no local sports stores that do repairs, so I usually go to a shoe repair, but I am skeptical they could fix this. My other skate is just in the initial stages of this, so it isn't as bad.

Any advice or thoughts are appreciated...

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From the looks of the picture, the tounge is ripping off where the comopsite toe actually is (in other words is not ripping off after the composite finishes), that's going to make replacing the tounge more difficult. I'd say at the very least it's worth taking them down to a shoe repairer and see if they can do anything.

PS: would you mind resizing the picture, there's only one monitor I know of that could view that at full size....

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re-upload the picture to imageshack, after you select the file to upload, there is a drop down menu next the a checkbox that says "resize image?" click the little box and then from the drop down select something under 1280x1024 (don't go under 800x600 or 640x480 is about the minimum you want). Once you've done that upload it and then edit your post with the new picture :)

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