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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing the Easton synergy SE

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I seem to be on my last thread with my synergy se stick. I love the stick and of course like all things good, cant seem to find any for sale anymore. I have tried to find a replacement but i have been unlucky thus far. Ive used the se16, the dolomite spyne, the rbk 10k and the nbh one90. I was told that getting the dolomite hd would be a good replacement, but i still have to try it. Has anybody had this same problem and what solution or replacement did you find. I dont want to be spending hundreds of dollars, so i thought id ask here. Thanks

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Get yourself to a store like pro hockey life in Vaughan Mills. They have a little shooting area there with some of the more popular OPS's so you can give them a whirl before you buy. It's not the same as having it on the ice with skates on, but it doesn't hurt to at least weed out the ones that you don't like at all.

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I have a stockpile of SE's and have not tried another stick that I like as much but, the one95 is the only stick I can see myself using other then an SE at this moment in time.

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Why didn't you like the SE16? it's the exact same twig just with a better heel...

If you're RH and use a Forsberg... I have one for sale...

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I agree they do feel very different. The SE16 felt way more like the SL. I still like it but not as much as the one95 and the SE

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the synergy se and the se16 felt completely different to me.

that's weird... because the shafts are the same thing the blade is the only thing that changed... maybe that was what felt different... they added "bearings" in the heel of the blade to make it more "responsive" I do like the Original SE paint as well...

Like I said if anyone wants a RH Forsberg SE... I have one I used a few times... and just didn't like it.

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