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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBH One90 Int. shaft + blade combo questions

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I've tried the search method and couldn't come up with anything.

So I have an Intermediate NBH Supreme One90 One-Piece stick broken at the blade, I was wondering:

1) Will an adult blade fit with the intermediate shaft? Or will I need an intermediate blade?

2) Are intermediate blades (tapered/standard) commonly sold?

3) For the one90, do i need a tapered blade or standard?

I've never encountered this kind of situation with an intermediate stick. All help would be appreciated!

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If your going to use the blade end, it takes senior tapered. I think I had to cut through the middle of the infinite logo.

Thanks Goalieboy#1, what did you mean by the "infinite logo"?

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Oh okay, i see what you mean now. Thanks for the photo! Did you find a significant/dramatic change in the flex and feel of the stick after sticking a blade in?

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It was pretty stiff after i cut it, I put a "composite" plug, along with a wood plug in and it felt terrible. Maybe if your open to trying new things it would work, but not for me. I cut it up and its now my wrist strength thing!

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