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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Sentry?

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I remember back in the day, there were a few guys who played jr a around here had these gloves that looked identical to the eagle sentrys. This was probably around 9-10 years ago, also one of my teachers at a teacher game had a pair in highschool colors from back when he played, now i see these on hockey monkey? Whats the story behind these things? They look bombproof, and if i dont recall the whole back is one big plastic piece, are these updated versions of the old sentrys or just the same glove all together? Anyone have anything to add about how they perform? They kinda look cool to me honestly.

LINK : http://www.hockeymonkey.com/eagle-hockey-gloves-sentry.html

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I remember back in the day, there were a few guys who played jr a around here had these gloves that looked identical to the eagle sentrys. This was probably around 9-10 years ago, also one of my teachers at a teacher game had a pair in highschool colors from back when he played, now i see these on hockey monkey? Whats the story behind these things? They look bombproof, and if i dont recall the whole back is one big plastic piece, are these updated versions of the old sentrys or just the same glove all together? Anyone have anything to add about how they perform? They kinda look cool to me honestly.

LINK : http://www.hockeymonkey.com/eagle-hockey-gloves-sentry.html

Same glove, newer version. Split fingers and a different thumb than the old version. The old version had a plastic-rubber type material for the vent areas as well. I haven't tried the new version, but the old version were pretty hefty as far as weight goes. They're really popular with Lacrosse goalies.

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