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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Carbon GX

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I haven't been here in ages, but figured I'd post and see if anyone can help me out. I've been using player Mission skates with a Sure-Grip chassis for years now and the boot is starting to fall apart so I'm looking into goalie specific blades. I believe my only three options are the two from Tour and the Bauer One55s.

So, does anyone have any recommendations on any?

The 4th option would be to take my Sure-Grip chassis and chop up a goalie skate and attach that, but finding used size 10-11 goal skates is proving to be a problem and I don't wanna buy new ice skates for that.

I can get a great deal on the Carbon GXs (through a friend of a friend) and they are only $30 more than the low level Tours, so the low ones are really out of the question. I think with this price they're about $100-150 cheaper than I've seen the Bauers as well.

I've read a few minor reviews about the cowling wearing down real quick on the Tours. Is that something a warranty would cover or can that be replaced by Tour?

Are the GXs bakeable?

Generally just looking for any advice possible.

I play 4-5 nights a week in the summers only in a Jr A league and two mens leagues, all on sport court.


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I've had the Tour GX's for a while now. You can bake them, which I would suggest bc I thought the first week or two were kind of rough (but I have wide feet). Durability wise, the boot is solid. The cowlings do tend to crack, in which I have just sent back to get replaced. And the new predator chassis are better than the Bauer and Tour Redline chassis imo. But overall, I'm happy with them.

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