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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken rbk skate?

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So it seems that 3 days ago while playing defense I take a slapshot off my rbk 4k '07 skate and the skate lock on my left skate on the outside cracked off into pieces. This blows. Anyone know how I could possibly get a new skate lock? It's just a small plastic piece with a screw.

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Yeah, the same, or some of the same, people who used to run epuck.com epuck got bought by the hockeygiant conglomerate and they opened this site.

The other option is asking your local store if they can order them from ccm/rbk. Rbks still come with these, even though ccms don't. Or call the company yourself. They're small, maybe they would just send you one.

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The package of the rbk skate locks arrived today. Of course that was after I got home from my game. They sent a package of Louisiana spices in the box as well. weird. But put them on the bbq chicken we had tonight.

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