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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Angora Cat

Bones Reds Bearings: Too much axle play, defective?

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Hey everyone, I just got a new set of Bones Reds bearings and was excited to test them out. But after I installed the bearings and wheels on one of my skates, I realized that the bearings had way too much play, even when I tightened the axle to an extreme. My other two sets of bearings don't have that problem and I'm using the right spacers.

I've noticed these bearings have some "internal play" when I just push the shield left and right.

Has anyone had this problem before? Is it possible that I got a defective set? Thanks.

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I just got a set of Bones Reds and tried them out at pick up last night. I noticed the same thing, they move a little if you shake the skate but it didn't effect my skating at all.

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I would say maybe it's possible you got a defective set. I've been using my Bones Reds for a year now with no complaint, and they're my favorite bearings to date.

Wish I could think of what the problem might be. I'd try calling the company.

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Hey everyone, I just got a new set of Bones Reds bearings and was excited to test them out. But after I installed the bearings and wheels on one of my skates, I realized that the bearings had way too much play, even when I tightened the axle to an extreme. My other two sets of bearings don't have that problem and I'm using the right spacers.

I've noticed these bearings have some "internal play" when I just push the shield left and right.

Has anyone had this problem before? Is it possible that I got a defective set? Thanks.

I have never experienced this issue and I've been using Bones Reds for over 10 years. If you just slip the bearings on your axles does it appear as though the axle hole is too big a diameter? I've had several sets of these bearings and never had a defective set...that doesn't mean it couldn't happen though.

I just got a set of Bones Reds and tried them out at pick up last night. I noticed the same thing, they move a little if you shake the skate but it didn't effect my skating at all.

A little play is normal, but the original poster said they had way too much play. Now what that means...we'll have to wait and see.

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I noticed something similar on the new pai of bones bearings I got last month after about 10 minutes skating it seemed like there was a lot of lateral play significantly more than I have ever noticed in any other bearing. I am wondering if it is just that I am to big at 280 and they just aren't built to take all the extra lateral force but this should be the best bearings I have ever had. They are wonderful to skate along the bike path but almost feel sloppy when trying to turn and do quick lateral moves.

Any other thoughts?

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