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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A Brief Personal Introduction And New Discussion On Old Topics

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My brother and I are a little more removed from roller hockey than we once were. He has an official diagnosis on a knee problem so in all likelihood it will be an additional several months until he plays. And he often ruminates on what he feels is a decrease in interest in roller hockey in Central United States. Can anyone comment on that?

He and I have been playing since the middle 1990's and at one time we had three full size rinks within 20 miles of our house that were at least partially dedicated towards roller hockey. Only one of those rinks remain but three old Rolladium style skating rinks have after hours pick up games so I often limit myself to playing two nights a week at the closest. There was a time when I was playing six or seven games a week on three nights at a greatly favored full size rink that also serviced our areas regional high schools roller hockey competitions. The owner had financial trouble and was forced to sell the building about five years ago.

So I am sure that what my brother is taking into account is looking back at the loss of two very good buildings we played in over the years, the folding of the RHI league, and the fact that he and are just are no long very active and going to national and regional tournaments. But can anyone who has been actively playing in tournaments and local leagues make comments on the popularity in roller hockey in say the passed five years.

And are there any national professional roller hockey leagues these days?

Go ahead. Discuss and leave any remarks however absurd.

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