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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller to Ice: Help finding my pitch

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Hey guys, I have some old Mission skates (I don't even remember the name) and they have the hi-lo chasis where the front two wheels are 72mm and the back two are 80mm. I've played only roller since I live in AZ and ice is always so expensive. I bought some Vapor XXV's and they just don't feel the same as my roller. I expect that, but I'm just trying to find the best skate or holders that would give the same feeling of my old Missions. Any ideas of something that would be the same as a 72mm/80mm hi-lo chasis?

I'm tired of my toes always digging into the ice when I make turns.

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Are you sure it's the holder pitch that is the issue? It might be that you need to get the blades profiled. Maybe a forwards profile and a smaller radius is what you need?

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I had this problem bad when I firsted switched to Ice about 6 months ago, and the best advice would be to just stick with what you have. Skating feels very different on blade compared to wheels because there is a lot less contact area on the blade.

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