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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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JR Boucicaut

Warrior Dolomite HD

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Warrior Dolomite HD

Flex: 85

Curve: Fedorov Lie 4 non-grip

Height: 6'

Weight: 240

Postition: RW/C

Time-frame of use: Since April

Aesthetics: Big name call-out on both sides of the stick. Everyone will know you're using a Warrior stick. Contrasting graphics on both sides, nice touch.


Weight and Balance: Slightly lighter-feeling than the ONE95 I was reviewing simultaneously, however, does have somewhat of a plasticky feel to the stick.


Blade: A touch of pinginess blade-wise, much thinner than the ONE95. However, the blade still has plenty of life in it, and absolutely zero wear on it. Thin blade and heel.


Shaft/Flex: Slightly concave shaft, and feels very good in my hands. Flexes a tad softer than what is advertised, but no problems for me at all there. See more on this in Shooting.


Stickhandling and Passing: Much better than what I've used from Inno. Thinner heel helped with drag, however the blade is still a little bit hard on receiving passes, but a definite improvement.


Shooting: This was my biggest concern - last time I used an Inno/Warrior product, I absolutely hated how the stick torqued on shots - blade and shaft would twist, causing me to shank it. And all of those problems have been addressed for me. Stick loads up well, very accurate on net.


Durability: No loss of stiffness in the shaft, no major structural problems. Couple of scuffs here and there but no major chips or peeled decals.


Conclusion: Definite improvement from sticks of old, absolutely cannot gripe about anything about it. Thanks goes out to Keith Perera at Warrior Hockey for sending me a stick. Always appreciated.


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