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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice hockey skates --> Roller Blades

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Hi guys,

I've been playing ice hockey all winter and now plan to take up a road hockey season. I have an extra pair of skates that I don't use anymore, and was wondering if I am able to change the chassis of the ice hockey blades into roller. If so, where can I get the conversion made? What are some good brand of roller blade wheels/holder out?

The brand of skates I have is Nike Quest 3.

Thanks in advance.

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Yes, it would be possible. Your LHS should be able to do the conversion for a fee between 40-50 dollars. We have two big threads with links, pictures, reviews, and more on the first page of threads here. Sprung Hockey, and the Custom Ice-to-Inline thread. Take a look in there, you should find exactly what you need and more.

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Do a search and you'll find more than enough info on how to do it yourself or how to go about getting it done...The "search" function is wonderful... :ph34r:

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Frames are all personnel preference with the different wheel setups. Some good frames are Labeda and Mission. As far as wheels most people like Rink Rat, Revision, or Labeda.

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