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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood's custom curves?

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Right now i torch my blades and i dont seem to get as much time out of them. I look for the biggest blade face i can find, torch it and adjust the toe so that its a fairly large, semi-open toe curve and sand down the bottom to the way i like it and straighten up the heel if necessary. I was wondering if sherwood does customs for one piece sticks? Ive heard people talk about the rm19 custom but i dont want to buy 6, just 1 or 2 to see how i like it.

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I think your best bet is Christian. Their minimum order for blades is 3, maybe it's the same for one piece wood sticks. If you don't want wood, well you might be out of luck unless you want to spend big $$$.

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I think your best bet is Christian. Their minimum order for blades is 3, maybe it's the same for one piece wood sticks. If you don't want wood, well you might be out of luck unless you want to spend big $$$.

Im going to give Christian a call, 3 isnt too bad at 30 a piece. How do i go about this, do i just send them the blade i want for curve and a piece of cardboard for the shape/lie with my order?

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Yeah you can send them a blade to use as a mold, but you won't get it back. I think people have either sent a tracing or a cardboard cut-out of what they want for the lie/shape before. E-mail or call them and ask for sure. BTW at 3 blades I think it's $38 per, with a one-time $20 mold fee.

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