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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Re-design your favorite jersey

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Hey...I was thinking so many teams have 3rd (sometimes 4th and 5th) jerseys. I started playing around with Photoshop and came up with new Habs jerseys. This was actually before thy released their 3rd Vintage jersey (which I love).

Now I'm not really the greatest graphic artist...that feable ass fade at the bottom is supposed to be like the Vancouver 3rd jersey...I just don't knwo how to make it look like material...


What do ya think...?

Do your own team's jersey and post 'em...this could be fun.

(Edit) BTW, I didn't know where a post like this would go...it's not really about gear, so I put it here...Mods, if this should be somewhere else...move it!

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I still think that most of the third jerseys suck. I respect Detroit for not making one and leaving theirs as a classy, simple jersey. Chicago and Philly should be forced to stop wearing their black ones.

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