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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Street Hockey

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Do they still make any of the following things:

- Mylec goalie pads

- Mylec replace blades for shafts (not the ones you screw onto a wood stick, but they made thicker plastic blades for normal shafts)

- Mylec shinguards

- Koho street revolution blades (not the stick, and not the crossover blades)

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You're more likely to find some cheap Franklin goalie/street hockey pads. Around RI at least. The Koho blades should still be floating around though. I know they still sell the sticks at the Sports Authority.

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I believe they still make the goalie pads and shin guards. I know we can still buy them at our local play it again stores. I haven't seen the replacement blades. Most of the guys in our deck leagues just buy the mylec stick cut the blade off and shave it down till it fits in a shaft.

I haven't seen the koho revolution blades in a long time. Everyone in our outdoor roller league loved them and we haven't been able to find them in years.

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The revolution blades are pretty much gone too, I've been trying to look for one for my outdoor rink as well.

The only thing I found lasts out there is the Easton ABS blades, if you are looking for a semi replacement

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