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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Severe Ankle Pain

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I know this has come up before and I'm curious to hear what everyone else has done:

About a month ago I started to get a little tender right above my right ankle bone on the outside. I've had my one95's since they came out and had never experienced this before so I figured it was nothing more then a bad lace that day. Well, it's continued to get worse to the point that my ankle is sore while driving if it rubs against my shoe, or if I lightly touch it with a finger. I had my skates re molded yesterday and that didn't help, and the only solution I've found was to throw a piece of foam similar to the width of my tongue on my forefoot. I'm not sure if the pain is caused by my tongue getting caught or an ankle injury, but know that it won't be long before I simply won't be able to skate.

Any advice would be great, like I said I've had the skates for well over a year know and am mystified as to how this suddenly came out of nowhere. I've thought about buying some bunga pads but would love to hear any advice from you guys first.


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Hey there, I have had a similar problem with the One95 as well. On my right foot, the outside ankle bone, approx. 3/4 on an inch in front of the bone and slightly higher, I have developed a bump. It was very tender, and would get irritated whenever I would skate in them.

I do have felt tongues in them, so I did two things to solve the problem:

1) I took the skates to a shop and had them punch out the area that was bothersome (on both skates.)

2) I cut some of the felt off the tongues in that general area.

It helped tremendously, the skates no longer hurt to wear after 5 minutes.

I did get a new pair of custom XXXX that feel much, much better than the One95s, i have never looked back. Although the bump does not hurt anymore, it doesn't look like it is going to go away anytime soon.

One thing I also noticed was that it would hurt less when I skated with my tongues out, although I much prefer tucking them under my shinpads...

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i had a similar issue with pain on the outside of my ankle bones in my One95s...i got some bunga pads the lacebite ones and just turned them so the pad comes down over the ankle bone instead of down the top of the foot and it worked wonders

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Jeff, Mind posting pics of your one95 tongue? I've thought about cutting it as well, but with such little tongue as it is I don't really want to take anything off I don't have to.

hckydrew, thanks, I was looking at the malleolar sleeve, but it covers both sides and wasn't a big fan of that. Glad to hear the lacebite one fits perfectly on the one side.

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Jeff, Mind posting pics of your one95 tongue? I've thought about cutting it as well, but with such little tongue as it is I don't really want to take anything off I don't have to.

Sure thing, i will post a photo later. Keep in mind I have felt tongues, like the pic beneath, not the stock One95 tongue.

img2894.th.jpg Click on the photo to enlarge.

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My skates cut into my ankles pretty bad about 1.5" above each outer ankle bone. I think it is the composite material from the top of the boot and underneath the padding.

I do the bunga pad thing as well. However, my shop carries a different brand that is 10" long for $25. I cut it in half and have one for each ankle. They do ride a up a hair during skaing, so I have to make sure they sit low enough before I go out.

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I had the exact same thing with my One95's. I cut out a little felt pad and taped it in place to get rid of the rubbing. I did that for about 2 weeks and it felt good so I decided to try it without the pad and everything felt fine.

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I had the exact same thing with my One95's. I cut out a little felt pad and taped it in place to get rid of the rubbing. I did that for about 2 weeks and it felt good so I decided to try it without the pad and everything felt fine.

exact same thing with me, ankle was killing me. put some foam in for a week, then took a week off of hockey (christmas), and then when i slipped em back on they were perfect. i think it was cause i wore short ankle socks one time, it inflamed my ankle bone, so naturally it just needed some time to heal. the foam helped temporarily. but from now on i always use high socks

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I had a similar issue, but it started with taking a puck off the ankle. It bothered me for over a month and then I started skipping the top eyelet. It went away after a couple weeks. The spot was on the front top of the ankle bone itself.

I also have a spot on the tendon right above one of my outer ankle bones. It almost looks like a second ankle bone the way it sticks out. I was told by a doctor that it is calcification of the tendon and nothing to worry about. I broke the fibula right there 15yrs ago and the top of my grafs put pressure right there. It gets sore after skating but I haven't found anything that helps. Maybe deeper skates?

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Click on this pic to see what I was talking about. I cut out some of the area above the indentation.


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