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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Greatest NHL Mock Draft EVER!

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Including such gems as...



Oren Koules, theco-owner of the Lightning deals his pick to Jerry Bruckheimer.Bruckheimer brings in his movie making team, including Director Michael Bay to direct: TAMPA BAY, the movie.

TAMPA BAY stars Ben Affleck, Ben Affleck, and introducing Ben Affleck.

They then take Victor Hedman. Unfortunately, Hedman never does make the NHL.He is arrested after throwing a little girl into a lake.



Brian Burke floats to the podium like Vladimir Harkonnen from DUNE. He declares war on Long Island, saying that JT was never a #1 pick, despite the fact that he wanted to move to #1 to get him.

He then begins to list out all his annoyances, including other GM's who would not take his overpriced and contractually decadent players.

Burke is suddenly swallowed by a large spice worm who was atttracted by his noise.

Post-humously Toronto's Burke is awarded Brayden Schenn.

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