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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX Grip

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I just bought a Vapor XXXX Stick and want to know how sticky the Stickum Grip is on this stick. Is it comparable to the Vapor XXX Lite Grip or is it not as sticky? Just curious.......


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so it is or is not stickier than the xxx lite

I think there pretty much the same. I don't really notice any difference if I'm switching between sticks. But it may also be that the XXX Lite grip was a little more worn then the grip on my new XXXX.

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I feel like the xxxx might be slightly more grippy than the xxx, I ended up sanding mine down like lyle did

How do you sand it down without ruining the stick? I'm wanting to do it to my off-ice stick.

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I feel like the xxxx might be slightly more grippy than the xxx, I ended up sanding mine down like lyle did

How do you sand it down without ruining the stick? I'm wanting to do it to my off-ice stick.

Just use a bit finer grit sand paper. You aren't trying to sand through the stick and the composites, just take a bit of the tackiness off the grip. I had to do that with my Easton SE GRIP. I hand sanded it until it was somewhat smooth and it's had no effect on my shots.

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