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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cooking gloves

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I have a new pair of tour evo gloves and there still pretty stiff, i wanted to know how to cook my gloves so they arent so stiff anymore. Any help?

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I have a new pair of tour evo gloves and there still pretty stiff, i wanted to know how to cook my gloves so they arent so stiff anymore. Any help?

You dont want to "cook" your gloves....People have diffrent views and methods on breaking gloves in....Personally when I get a new stiff pair of gloves I turn the oven to the lowest setting...let it heat up and cut it off, put the gloves in for around 5 min. and then bend them and put them on and play around with them...This works for me, but like I said others have diffrent opnions....Try a search on the subject, its been disscused many times before...

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I've tried doing that a couple times and afterward my gloves just seem to stiffen up again. But thanks, thats good idea ill try googling it.

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