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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any AIHL guys on here?

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Any west coast American Inline guys on here? There's a team holding open tryouts in a couple weeks and I was going to give it a go.

Any thoughts from any current AIHL guys or people who have been to an AIHL game?

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I played for the Las Vegas Aces last season. Is there anything specific you would like to know? I had a lot of fun, although the travel in our division sucked, but even then it made for good times. It's a fun league that the owners have all the say I believe in how it's run, and it beats playing the same guys in house league every week.

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Cool. I have a couple questions actually:

1.) The guy I talked to said you pay your own fees and such if you can't get a sponsor. How did this work for your team?

2.) How's the level of competition compared to, say, NARCh? Silver, Gold, Platinum or Club?

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Cool. I have a couple questions actually:

1.) The guy I talked to said you pay your own fees and such if you can't get a sponsor. How did this work for your team?

2.) How's the level of competition compared to, say, NARCh? Silver, Gold, Platinum or Club?

Not sure how it works out West, but I played for a team in the East.

1.) Fees, I think for most teams its pay to play. But if you're ownership is strong and has some decent marketing material you can kind of shop yourself around and see if anyone is willing to sponsor you and the team. Our team's ownership was real good and I was able to cover my fees with a sponsor from a friend's business and some team fundraisers we had.

2.) Level of play out East in Pro is comparable to Men's Platinum. Most of the guys already skate at that level and then there is a decent amount of Narch Pro level players scattered across teams as well. Out east the competition is very good and very competitive.

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1) This depends on the team. I know teams where the owners take care of everything, some teams where the players pay a set amount up front to take care of things. My team basically just had to cover our travel costs. We were supplied with uniforms, helmets, gloves, and free rink time when we could get the guy together to practice. So its going to vary team to team.

2) My guess is a mix between Narch gold/platinum depending on the teams. The Socal division is full of Narch Pro guys and I know out east a lot of Narch Pro guys are scattered around. It's a good mix with good hockey.

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