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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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well id use like a rustolioum paint and primer so it well prevent the rust just a thought tho and it depends you can get any kindof black from it like flat black glossy or mettalic

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im thinking of painting a cage black.. is ther a specail kidn of spraypaint that i should use?

Your best bet is to just buy a black cage. Most paint you put on a cage will chip off, either in your bag and all over your stuff, or worse, on the ice. I suppose a car paint shop could paint it for you, or powdercoat it (which is how most cages are painted) but that could cost you more than a new cage. I don't recommend it.

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I've painted many cages and they hold up pretty well. What you want to do is this:

First wet sand the cage - use a 3M Scotch Brite pad found at any home supply store and just dip it in water as you sand to prevent deep scratching. You can sand down to the metal if you want but just scuffing the current paint will do. Make sure you get off any surface rust completely or it will just come back.

Next use a primer - primes the whole thing and let it dry completely

Next wet sand the primer - same as above but be careful to not sand down to the bare metal this time.

Paint - use at least 2 coats of paint if you use a flat black. You could also use to coats of gloss black and then a coat of clear if you want. Rustolium works best at keeping rust away.

If the paint does rust up which it probably will a bit, get any type of rust preventing lubricant and spray it on a rag and you can get most of the surface rust off by simply rubbing. Any rust that actually pits may have to be sanded back out to be completely removed.

The whole process should cost about 20 bucks and take a couple of hours at most.

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