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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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LeClair selected to U.S Hockey HoF

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sorry if it already has been posted i must of missed it

Joining LeClair as the Class of 2009 are the 1998 U.S. Olympic women's team, Tony Amonte, Tom Barrasso, John LeClair and Frank Zamboni.

USA hockey made this announcements yesteday.

heres the story from the philadelphia daily news http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/homepa...ll_of_Fame.html

I'm glad to see that Amonte got selected. I used to love him back in his Hawk days

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I played against John from Squirts to High School

Grow up in St. Albans?

Me? Swanton. Wife? St. Albans, BFA grad. Mother-in-Law is next door neighbors with John's parents.

Damn BobWhites! LOL

Very sorry Eric, disregard.

You said "against" John. NOT "with" John.

........ carry on.

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