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Reebok 8k Shaft/Thinner Shafts?

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Anyone have any experience with one yet? I am looking at getting one and was curious about the shaft shape and the performance of it. Is it a thinner shaft?

Also, what are the thinner shafts on the market right now? (Besides the TPS Pro Radius) Any help would be really appreciated.

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i have one...its the same as 7k/9kO/10k, the T shape thing, its nearly a square (whilst being a dogbone) from a top view, its nowhere close to say a one95, whilst i prefer the one95 shape (even though i have smaller hands), its a very underrated shaft that performs very well at a good price too, its very light too

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mmm, no i mainly have rbk sticks, the rest are price point but the rbks this year are pretty thin (how they got the weight down so much ;))...there were a few pictures of it somewhere

edit: ask Too Old, he posted them

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The 8k and 10k are both similar to the one95 in shape and depth. It's one of the thicker shafts on the market right now and I really like it.

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If the shaft is simular to the 10K then I would compare the thickness to the CCM V10's. Not the same shape, but the same thickness. I also have small hands and it feels real nice.

Other shafts I can compare it to;

The One95 is a little thicker, the NB XXXX is simular width and the Easton SE16 is a little thicker.

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i have one...its the same as 7k/9kO/10k, the T shape thing, its nearly a square (whilst being a dogbone) from a top view, its nowhere close to say a one95, whilst i prefer the one95 shape (even though i have smaller hands), its a very underrated shaft that performs very well at a good price too, its very light too

True. However, it is reeboks top of the line shaft. I love the feel of it, i went with a softer flex too and couldn't have been more right, works great for wrist shots.

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The 8k and 10k are both similar to the one95 in shape and depth. It's one of the thicker shafts on the market right now and I really like it.

they cannot feel more different in my hands, it has longer sides so a more rectangular shape but the 8ks definitely similar to the xxxx

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The 8k and 10k are both similar to the one95 in shape and depth. It's one of the thicker shafts on the market right now and I really like it.

they cannot feel more different in my hands, it has longer sides so a more rectangular shape but the 8ks definitely similar to the xxxx

I know what you mean. The one95 and the 8/10k look similar dimensionally, but don't feel the same. Yeah, the vapor 40 is a good point too. You really have to keep in mind that Reebok line is T, "dogbone" whatever you wanna call that and for a long time, people that I've spoken to wanted a more C shape, so the T has become more rare as a result. I have an oldie but goody suggestion though, the original xn10. I could be way off on this but IIRC, they were similar but the xn10 was a little thinner.

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i've used the dolo and 7k prostock. now got the 8k shaft and i like how light it is and feels pretty good for somebody with small hands. maybe it's the grip but i like the rbk feel more than the dolo.

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I have one and my last shaft was the xxxx. They seem similiar except for the grip on the 8k, which I have partially sanded off. I'm not sure why they only made a grip version of the shaft but it is VERY grippy. By thinner, do you mean radius wise? I believe the xxxx is smaller around and advertised being more "rounded" to fit hands better. Don't quote me on it though.

On a side note, my xxxx shaft broke 3 inches from the end. The blade lasted longer than the shaft...go figure.

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