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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate help

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i went to the doctors for a check up and had them look at my archs and he told me i had a failry high arch( didnt know i have high ones) then he had me step each foot onto an ink pad and walk on paper. my question is if i post up the ink prints of my bottom foot could the skate experts on here give me insight on to which skate to look into.

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Should be relatively easy to give you an idea as to what would/would not work. We should be able to narrow the field down for you a bit...but you're still going to have to try the skates on.

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ok cool i walked into greatskate with them and they cuoldnt help me, once i get home from work i will upload them on here

That was your first mistake.

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The first thing that you have to do is support that high arch. You could try superfeet, or the Graf custom moldable ones; you may even need a custom orthotic.

Once you have figured this out, try on skates with these in the skate. A skate that fits without it may not fit well at all with it in place.

The use of a foot bed that supports the arch will increase the required depth of the skate. For some, particularly if your arch is flexible, you may go down in size (length) a fair amount if your arch had been flattening when you put weight on the foot, and is now supported properly.

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If you're looking to possible get an insole, look for one that will give you high arch cushioning, not arch support. Arch support is for people who are flat footed, and it helps support their arch to a natural position. Most sports stores or running shops will have a decent selection, or you may have to go to a podiatrist.

I'm no skate expect by any means, but I would go that route, and put the insole in a skate with a relatively flat bottom. Someone feel free to chime in.

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If you're looking to possible get an insole, look for one that will give you high arch cushioning, not arch support. Arch support is for people who are flat footed

Well, when you get a custom orthotic and you have a high arch, it is a hard arch support that the podiatrist makes, not an "arch cushion" of any kind.

Both my daughter (figure skater) and I (hockey player) have orthotics in our skates that were made by a posiatrist and they are definitely hard and supportive.

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If you don't mind me asking, what is the reason you and your daughter have orthotics? Like, are they problems specifically caused by high arches?

Not looking to pick a fight, but I sell running shoes for a living. Most of the people that I get who have higher arches feel more comfortable in a cushioning shoe with as little arch support as possible. The cushioning will help the arch clapse and absorb impact, and alot of my customers with higher arches feel a shoe with arch support just gives an uncomfortable pressure point beneath their foot.

Kinda comparing apples and oranges I suppose, but whateverr ahahh.

EDIT: My computer is lame.

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