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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Junior Medium Elbow Pads?

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I can't find junior medium elbow pads anywhere. I have been to countless sport stores and many many website and nobody seems to have them. Does any company actually make them? I understand that it is summer and many of the sotres tell me there inventory is low because they have not stocked for hockey season yet but WTF?

Junior Small is just to tight and Junior large take up 3/4 of his arm.

Help!! he has his fir fall league practice next in about 7 days!


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they have the easton s17's, the easton synergy st 4, the reebok 4k and also the vector v06 and v04 in a medium

they also had a couple other pair of jr elbows but not sure if they were mediums or not

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