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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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True 6.5 lie or 7 lie blade choices?

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Having difficulty tracking down either a 6.5 lie or 7 lie blade...

Limited options at retail (CCM Bonk and Mission Hatcher are discontinued I believe), can't seem to track down any of the NBH ID options (blades only, not OPS), and I'm unaware of any RH pro stock options or where I can find them.

I'd rather not order customs at the moment.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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ye olde easton yzerman, was pretty close to 6.5-7, even though its listed as a 6, if you can find one. dont know if youve tried the 6 draper from warrior, i have one and its legit at least a 6, i think a bit steeper myself. people argue on what warrior real lies are, but from holding it myself its maybe the steepest retail pattern ive seen, id assume the fed 6 would be similar. it was steeper than my p92 by a noticeable margin, and i think the p92 is steeper than the sakic.

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p71 is listed as a 7.

p12, p20 are listed as 6.5.

BauerID blades, p02, p12, p15 are a 7, almost the rest of them are all 6's.

Bauer P12 is actually equal to an Easton 5.5. The Bauer ID list has a couple of mistakes. The P71 is shown on the ID as a "Bauer 6 lie" but it is actually a 7.

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