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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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T Blades

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Im interesed in T blades and was wondering if anyone could tell me alittle about them? How they are pitched? How the steel compairs to other steel? How the steel glides? Right now im using tuuks Ls2 with step veloctiy steel.

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I used them for a season and went back to the E-Pro. I prefer the E-Pro to the T-Blade. I don't know what to tell you about the pitch (although I was able to adjust pretty easily to/from them). I found little, if any difference in the glide with the T-blade. Friends told me that I looked a lot faster when I switched back to the E-Pro, actually (although they may have had a slightly longer rocker). My stabilizers got banged up pretty quickly. Getting parts such as replacement screws was a pain (and sometimes sold out). The plastic screwdrivers break down pretty quickly.

They also make a ton of noise... especially if you are a big guy/powerful skater. A few D-men in my league told me they wished I'd switch back to them because they always knew exactly where I was.

They are very light, as advertised. The blades hold an edge for a while (lasted for 2-3 sharpenings' worth for me). It's easy to try different hollows/rockers. They are helpful if you have a hard time getting a good sharpening locally. I also think you can "get away" with T-Blades that are losing their sharpness for a bit longer than regular steel.

I know it's all pp, but here's one vote for sticking with the more traditional holders/steel.

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My personal opinion is you're on an awesome set up with the LS2 with the step steel, why do you wanna switch to crappy ass loud ones. Stick with what you have leave the t-blades alone

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