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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another roller hockey rink in CA to shut it's doors?

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Looks like the only inline rinks in SoCal that will be left will be the ones Disney owns (Huntington Beach and Corona). Crazy....

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Damn commercial realtor professional making me look bad. :)

Now that you explained it all to me in private, I get it.

I'm a Commercial Real Estate Professional. I am not a Realtor®. Only members of the National Association of Realtors can use that name. :P

In case anyone was curious, this guy hasn't a leg to stand on.

According to the article, the (Sub)lease contained a provision that gave the City first right of refusal. Mau claims that the city "kept him in the dark" about said language. However, if he was buying the Subleasehold rights from 949, he would have been provided a copy of the Sublease for review. If he, or his attorneys, didn't review the documents, that's his own fault, not the City's. If he wasn't given a copy of the Sublease for review, then he never should have gotten past the contingency period. It's called doing your due diligence. If one of my clients was buying a Sublease, I would make sure I knew every provision of that Sublease before proceeding.

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The rinks themselves are nice, but yeah....that's about it. The locker rooms are in terrible shape and it looks like the entire place hasn't been cleaned or maintained in years. I remember how nice it was when it first opened - it's really unfortunate.

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