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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sounds like they're covering themselves to make sure it's not a stolen credit card/fraud situation

yer ok but how do we cover ourselfs regarding identity theft?

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There won't be any information they'd be able to use, besides your credit card info, but that's a given.

They're just making sure the name on the credit card matches your ID. Normal business practice IMO, especially with that kind of order. I'm required to do the same at the place where I work.

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Ok this is a joke, i ordered it 2 weeks ago and havnt heard anything back since, i have emailed them numerous times and all i got was a response saying we will call you. which has only happened once. I confirmed the order and then come back saying we cant sent anything because billing address doesnt match with the card..... Once again they said they would call to talk to the card holder but nothing for the past 4 days

Why on earth are they taking so long for an international order

Other people in australia have dealt with inlinewarehouse and non of this crap occured, maybe next time i should deal with them instead

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